Joyce Camilleri’s visual language emerges from extensive training in drawing and printmaking, both of which extend into the realm of painting. Camilleri pushes the boundaries of graphic elements, creating representational and quasi-abstract visual metaphors that blur the line between the real and the surreal. Intrinsic and extrinsic forms of knowledge manifest themselves in current narrative resonance and ongoing material research that explore visual concepts of poetic space. The emphasis remains on the artistic process rather than the subject matter, with artistic intent and process-led practices playing interchangeable roles.

Born in Canada in 1980, Joyce Camilleri lives and works in Malta, bringing 20 years’ experience in mentoring artistic talent in various educational institutions as a member of the Department of Visual Arts within the Faculty for the Built Environment at the University of Malta, and the Malta School of Art. Camilleri is also founder of Jo Borg Gallery, a forum for emerging and established artists. The gallery aims at developing an artist-centred legacy that values tradition, embraces innovation and reflects contemporary creative culture. Joyce Camilleri was resident artist at MUZA (Malta National Community Museum) in 2021 and exhibited in solo and collective shows across Malta, Austria, Germany, Italy, Ireland, UK and North Macedonia.